I'm trying to write a c# program code to find the min distance between the closest numbers in an array and my c# program won't work? -

i'm having problems c# code calculating min distance between 2 closest numbers in array - can please help!! program trying pick random numbers , generate array , array j. finally, trying determine min distance between 2 closest numbers in array. don't know why won't provide output.

namespace exercise { public class program {     static int main(string[] args)     {         int n = 0;         int[] firstarray = new int[n];         random r = new random();          int minimum = int.maxvalue;         (int = 0; < n; i++)         {              (int j = 0; j < n - 1; j++)             {                  if (minimum > math.abs(firstarray[i] - firstarray[j]))                 {                      minimum = math.abs(firstarray[i] - firstarray[j]);                 }             }              console.writeline("minimum = {0}", minimum);             console.read();             return 0;         }     }      class elements     {         public double distance(elements compar)         {              var x1 = convert.todouble(console.readline());             var y1 = convert.todouble(console.readline());             var x2 = convert.todouble(console.readline());             var y2 = convert.todouble(console.readline());             var finalresult = distance(x1, x2, y1, y2);          }          private static double distance(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2)         {              var temp1 = math.pow((x2 - x1), 2);             var temp2 = math.pow((y2 - y1), 2);             var result = math.sqrt(temp1 + temp2);              return result;         }      } } 


two tips here

  1. at line 8 : length of firstarray '0'.

  2. you don't give value firstarray.


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