compare - Nim vs Rock - how they are different? -

i knew nim , learned rock. seem similar, both transcompile c.

what main differences between them? 1 recommend?

there's not documentation on ooc of rock compiler. here key differences i've found. disclaimer: i'm bit biased towards nim ;).

  • metaprogramming. while nim offers powerful tools please extreme metaprogrammers, ooc has nothing it.
  • domain specific language (dsl) friendliness. nim better extendable custom dsls thanx syntax, metaprogramming capabilities , operator overload support.
  • nim compiles (and provides decent ffi) c/c++/objective-c , javascript, while rock compiles c only.
  • nim actively developed , supported. of writing last commit rock made half year ago.
  • syntax. that's obvious one. nim somewhere in python+pascal camp. ooc more of coffeescript curly braces.

there may more key differences depending on important you, overall opinion nim more sophisticated , feature-rich language, you're less hit limitations when writing bigger couple-of-files project.


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