c++ - QML items are not rendered -

interesting problem qml. when create default qt quick application , run it, black screen. window , other items not rendered @ all. when minimize , return previous state again, items rendered. know kind of problem? before minimizing after minimizing

import qtquick 2.5 import qtquick.window 2.2  window {     visible: true     width: 500     height: 500      rectangle {         id: test         width: 300         height: 200         color: "red"         border.color: "black"         border.width: 4     }      rectangle {         width: test.width / 2         height: test.height / 2         color: "red"         border.color: "black"         border.width: 4         anchors.centerin: parent          rectangle {             width: parent.width / 2             height: parent.height / 2             radius: width * 0.5             //x: 200             //y: 200             color: "green"             border.color: "darkgreen"             border.width: 4             anchors.left: parent.left             anchors.bottom: parent.bottom         }     } } 

today have found bug may experience. if have enabled high contrast in windows application not refreshing @ all. need minimize , reopen see changes. try disabling high contrast if have enabled.


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