Xcode commands via OS X Terminal -

i have mac os x version 10.5.7 downloaded xcode version 4.6.3 , launched it.

according many tutorials (such this) supposed install further command line tools via terminal: xcode-select --install

but little manual page:

usage: xcode-select -print-path    or: xcode-select -switch <xcode_folder_path>    or: xcode-select -version arguments:    -print-path                     prints path of current xcode folder    -switch <xcode_folder_path>     sets path current xcode folder    -version                        prints xcode-select version information 

i went applications directory , tried run command there, same outcome.

in fact, content of applications directory revealed through following command strange:

~ cd applications  ~ ls chrome apps.localized 

what missing or doing wrong?


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