security - Anti hacking android project -

i need more information how enable project not hacked. 1st: yes know need rooted device hack games , app on phone. 2nd: yes know more memory reading , adjustments cheat engine.

i need know or info how it. if familiar japanese made game "battle cats", know trying memory scan result in game instantly going browser change , trying connect api reports user.

i wanted know how possible , how can make this, better security details know japanese have done , need further project's security.

if know anything, please give me information.

also yes have tried in google , anti-virus android / mobile devices, bit frustrating least.

the, thing talking in more generalized way called reverse engineering , impossible rid of, apart there other ways too, hijack data transfered device external network(web), though if using ssl(https), can done using famous attack called mitm , can achieved using tool mitmproxy, security researchers finds out way break system, question pointing impossible do,

here few methods can try:

  • use obfuscation , tools proguard.
  • encrypt part of source , data.
  • use proprietary inbuilt checksum in app detect tempering.
  • introduce code avoid loading in debugger, is, let app have ability detect debugger , exit / kill debugger.
  • seperate authentication online service.
  • use application diversity
  • use finger printing technique e.g., hardware signatures of devices different subsystem before authenticating device.


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