protection - Run c++ programm only on authorized computer -

i wrote c++ program , want protect it. need program can run on authorized computer, , i'd stop program when want. thought 2 solutions, i'm not knowing if these or cracked.

the first solution:

local_mac_address = get_mac_address(); if(local_mac_address == "\* authorized addr */")     return true; else     return false; 

the second solution: upload html page secret code on website.

page = download_page(url); if(page == "my_secret_code")     return true; else     return false; 

if i'll change code in html source program won't start.

what think these 2 solution ? safety?

edit: executable works on computers in office, want avoid can copy , use on theyr computer

i'd both of these easy circumvent.

the first undone preloading shared library implementing get_mac_address() function returning expected result.

the second defeated intercepting network traffic , returning expected reply.

additionally, both disabled after little work debugger, disassembler , hexeditor , modifying executable bypass both checks.


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