php - How To Separate Mysqli Query result After Coma -

i bit confused @ 1 situation. have table called slam-book in have column named favorite games. user enters data like

"cricket, foot ball, hockey, basket ball"  

now want separate result , want give link like,

 <a href="/game.php=cricket">cricket</a>,  <a href="/game.php=foot-ball">foot ball</a>,  <a href="/game.php=hockey">hockey</a>,  <a href="/game.php=basket-ball">basket ball</a> 

so, can list users specific interest, please me such result. want code can give me results #2 code.

it's hard 'guess' structure mysql database in order i'll try anyways.

if understood correctly example of column in database: cricket, foot ball, hockey, basket ball

if so, query below:

select favorite_games slam-book user_id=id

then iterate result set doing like:

foreach ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {   // list of games   $games = explode(',', $row['favorite_games']);   // pretty print each game   foreach ($games $game) {     // replace space dash     $clean_game = str_replace(' ', '-', trim($game));     echo "<a href="/game.php=$clean_game">ucwords($game)</a>   } } 


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