debugging - Stack calls are out of code segment? -

i have crash dump our user on windows 10 pc. visual studio 2015 shows me following stack:

    comctl32.dll!`duitelemetry::instance(void)'::`2'::`dynamic atexit destructor 'wrapper''(void)   unknown     comctl32.dll!clvdrawitemmanager::computetextwidth(int,int,int,struct lvfakedraw *,struct taglvitemw *,unsigned short *,int) unknown     app.exe!006e0065()  c++     app.exe!00730075()  unknown     user32.dll!_ntusermessagecall@28()  unknown     user32.dll!realdefwindowprocworker()    unknown     user32.dll!defwindowprocw() unknown     user32.dll!__internalcallwinproc@20()   unknown     user32.dll!usercallwinproccheckwow()    unknown     user32.dll!callwindowprocw()    unknown     mfc120u.dll!cwnd::defwindowprocw(unsigned int nmsg, unsigned int wparam, long lparam) line 1116 c++     mfc120u.dll!cwnd::windowproc(unsigned int message, unsigned int wparam, long lparam) line 2095  c++     mfc120u.dll!afxcallwndproc(cwnd * pwnd, hwnd__ * hwnd, unsigned int nmsg, unsigned int wparam, long lparam) line 285    c++     mfc120u.dll!afxwndproc(hwnd__ * hwnd, unsigned int nmsg, unsigned int wparam, long lparam) line 434 c++ 

symbols app.exe loaded. stack still shows addresses of functions, not names. why?

addition #1:

i've performed steps provided magicandre1981. symbols loaded. here's proof thomas weller asked for:

0:000> lm m app start    end        module name 002e0000 00872000   app      # (private pdb symbols)  c:\work\source\app\branch\app3\bin\release.1627\app.pdb 

the stack more crazy now:

0018cc74 7328d822 0018cf04 03652948 73274560 comctl32!`duitelemetry::instance'::`2'::`dynamic atexit destructor 'wrapper''+0x89f 0018cec4 006e0065 00200074 006f004e 00650074 comctl32!clvdrawitemmanager::computetextwidth+0x7d 0018ceec 00730075 00610075 006c006c 00200079 app!_ct??_r0?avlogic_errorstd+0xd095 0018cf90 00650074 006e0072 00740065 00410020 app!ssl3_ciphers+0x7a5 0018cf94 006e0072 00740065 00410020 00630072 app!afxwinmain+0x43e9e 0018d094 00650074 002e0073 004e0020 0074006f app!_ct??_r0?avlogic_errorstd+0xd0a2 0018d134 00650074 0074006e 002e0073 00000000 app!afxwinmain+0x43e9e 0018d158 77a2897c 77a04d98 000103fe 00000020 app!afxwinmain+0x43e9e 0018d15c 77a04d98 000103fe 00000020 00010414 user32!ntusermessagecall+0xc 0018d258 77a04bbe 014ffb60 00000000 0018d74c user32!realdefwindowprocworker+0x148 0018d2a8 77a284f3 00010412 0000004e 00056789 user32!defwindowprocw+0x11e 0018d2d4 77a06c40 4b8bd2be 00010412 0018d37c user32!_internalcallwinproc+0x2b 0018d37c 77a069d7 77d0ab50 00000000 0000004e user32!usercallwinproccheckwow+0x1f0 0018d3b8 712299aa 77d0ab50 00010412 0000004e user32!callwindowprocw+0x97 0018d3d8 7122a918 0000004e 00056789 0018d74c mfc120u!cwnd::defwindowprocw+0x46 0018d3f4 71228f33 0000004e 712482d1 71228f86 mfc120u!cwnd::windowproc+0x39 0018d464 71229155 03669d50 00010412 0000004e mfc120u!afxcallwndproc+0x99 71228f86 efefdee8 fff08bff 2a1b4415 68468971 mfc120u!afxwndproc+0x34 

ssl3_ciphers not function @ all. it's array defined in openssl library.


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