Checking memory and CPU usage in Haskell program itself -

i try make db in haskell, , want find way check memory , cpu usage in program.

i try search using keywords "haskell memory usage" or "haskell memory checking", "haskell cpu usage", ..., there no answer want (memory , cpu checking in haskell program itself).

is there portable way memory , cpu usage in itself, while program running?

please let me know.

what using snmp that?

snmp used remotely monitor devices, nothing prevents running agent locally , querying (a thread in) haskell application. way, cpu , memory usage information collected separate application (the snmp agent) , application ask when needs. in order that, use 1 these haskell packages: snmp or netsnmp.

you'll able find lot of useful information/tutorials/examples regarding process monitoring using snmp in internet (if not familiar it) , once understood them, implementing need in haskell using packages should straightforward. also, found related question.


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