Apache Tomee & Hibernate ORM: Windows Server 2012 R2 or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 -

i given possibility chose between windows server 2012 r2 , suse linux enterprise server 11 sp4, while renting virtual server. needs of server want create, wish install apache tomee web application server. intend use hibernate orm.

is there known problems/bugs (still not fixed) regarding apache tomee or hibernate, , 1 of 2 os can choose between? suggest 1 on other, except preference between windows , linux?

windows vs linux

what more comfortable administrating? if have no linux experience, use windows.

that being said, linux offers thousands of advantages on windows, ability create lxc containers, it's security record, it's lightweightness, it's remote administration capabilities. have ability use thousands of portable unix command line tools, whereas windows, you're limited non-portable powershell.

hibernate orm

generally recommend people not use hibernate. instead, stick official jpa annotations , apis only, , let application container choose implementation.

if require features orm not provided vanilla jpa annotations, use them sparingly, , infrequently. cannot emphasize enough.

if must use non-standard orm features, recommend eclipselink. it's not fastest orm, it's lightweight, , error messages produces when make mistake extremely helpful.

hibernate's codebase unfortunately mess because carries legacy cruft. game changing implementation, , jpa born out of it, there better options now.


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