Tooltipster jQuery load issue in Wordpress -

i'm trying add tooltipster script wordpress site , have issue jquery loading.

the instruction site says code should added head tag (links files modified site):

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script>     $(document).ready(function() {         $('.tooltip').tooltipster();     }); </script>    

then adding .tooltip class element should show nice tooltip on hover etc.

this works when try on separate page. example here test page.

but when try add same code wordpress header.php head tag display tooltips on main page site stops working.

i think it's because of jquery load line cause wordpress has 1 , uses newer version of jquery (which tooltipster should support).

i tried remove tooltip jquery load line , leave 1 wordpress has default, tooltips don't work.

could tell i'm doing wrong , possible solutions here?

huge bunch of thanks!


by looks of - seems jquery in noconflict mode.

update code adding jquery instead of $

<script>     jquery(document).ready(function() {        jquery('.tooltip').tooltipster();     }); </script>  


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