raspberry pi - Building a .deb package of Mono itself -

i'm compiling latest version of mono github on original version raspberry pi, on latest raspbian.

this time consuming process, when it's complete not have repeat.

can compiled mono installation packaged .deb to, example, allow me re-install latest raspbian, dpkg -i my-mono-build.deb?

sure, , it's easy if choose proper tool don't need master on debian packaging. me, chose fpm this. (note: install via gem, not apt-get.)

and here have an example of script of how build mono .deb this, copy+paste here posterity (just in case delete github repo mistake, or github stops being thing in future):

#!/bin/bash set -e  die () {     echo >&2 "$@"     exit 1 }  [ "$#" -eq 1 ] || die "please specify version of mono want build argument. (check versions in tarball list here: http://download.mono-project.com/sources/mono/)"  fpm > /dev/null || (echo "please install fpm (from gem, not apt-get)" && exit 1)  if mono --version > /dev/null 2>&1;     echo "mono installed locally; please uninstall first" && exit 1 fi  work_dir=/tmp/7digital-mono-work rm -rf $work_dir mkdir $work_dir cd $work_dir  mono_version=$1 mono_dir="mono-$mono_version"  sevend_version="701" mono7d_version=$mono_version'.'$sevend_version mono7d_name="mono-7d"  echo "downloading $mono_version" wget http://download.mono-project.com/sources/mono/mono-$mono_version.tar.bz2  tar -jxf mono-$mono_version.tar.bz2 target_dir="$work_dir/destdir" mkdir $target_dir  cd "$work_dir/$mono_dir"  ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install destdir="$target_dir" cd $work_dir  fpm -s dir \     -t deb \     -n $mono7d_name \     -v $mono7d_version \     -c $target_dir \     -d "libglib2.0-dev (>= 0)" \     usr/bin usr/lib usr/share usr/include usr/etc  echo "done. package should ready in $work_dir" 


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