javascript - Bootstrapping offline a web application with npm -

i know sound weird asking start developing offline application (probably) web oriented, specially nowadays live on allways connected world, i'm tired of situation.

every time want start project using modern web technologies , tools (webpack, gulp, node, express, , on...) need internet connection. no matter if have installed gulp globally or if have express installed on dozens of projects allways have type npm install , wait whole thing download, once again. in other language (seriously, any) install sdk, or runtime, or whatever required , ready go, no more downloads required. how can achieve similar in npm world?

before asking why, there dozens of reasons want this:

  • restrictive proxy
  • developing while traveling
  • poor internet connection
  • mobile data plan

what alternatives have? possible setup kind of offline repository, or cache or that?

thanks in advance. ....

the best solution found far sinopia:

it npm registry can run locally. allows publish private packages (soo cool) best part caches request npm, once install package saved inside sinopia , not download again after that. has benefits running own private npm repo on own server infrastructure, story.


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