Import Text File into Excel with fixed width -

i'm new vba , i've been asked fix code don't know commas right after open "{filename}". can explain? thanks!

sub fixed_width_test() set objexcel = createobject("excel.application") objexcel.visible = true objexcel.workbooks.opentext _     `enter code here`"c:\users\gcosta1\desktop\bdtf\daily_activation_txn_ca_071113.txt", , , xlfixedwidth, , , , , , , , , array(array(0, 1), array(2, 1), array(27, 1), array(77, 1), array(92, 1), array(108, 1), array(128, 1), array(153, 1), array(178, 1), array(203, 1), array(211, 1), array(217, 1), array(249, 1), array(179, 1), array(287, 1), array(293, 1), array(301, 1), array(317, 1), array(334, 1), array(337, 1), array(353, 1), array(383, 1), array(386, 1), array(392, 1), array(393, 1), array(410, 1), array(421, 1)) end sub 

open text method in vba takes arguments below

opentext(filename, origin, startrow, datatype, textqualifier, consecutivedelimiter, tab, semicolon, comma, space, other, otherchar, fieldinfo, textvisuallayout, decimalseparator, thousandsseparator, trailingminusnumbers, local)

in code first argument passed method filename, ,,, represents no argument has been passed origin,startrow , on , forth.

more details / source:


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