docker - Migrating dockerized redis to another server -

i new both docker , redis. have configured servera run redis inside docker. redis database has been pre-seeded thousand key/value pairs. can confirm data has been persisted in container. created new docker image container, uploaded docker repository.

on serverb, pulled redis image "redis-preseeded" , got started. using redis-cli tool when connect , issue 'info keyspace' command, keyspace empty, suggesting none of data made across. doing wrong?

are using official image redis?

it has volume declared:

.. volume /data workdir /data .. 

volumes described in documentation. in nutshell authors doing configuring redis store data on external disk volume maintained docker engine. not more efficient allows users keep data separate container using it.

labouring point snapshot of image contain no data (if think thing).

once understand these concepts becomes more obvious how data can moved between servers:


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