xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser has no attribute '_parser' in python-3.x -

trying run code in python-3.x not work works fine in 2.7. looking in c:\python34\lib\xml\etree\elementtree.py see python3 imports c implementation of elementtree while python2 not. how can solve this? forcing elementtree not import c implementation.

from xml.etree import elementtree xml.etree.elementtree import xmlparser  class customxmlparser(xmlparser):     def __init__(self, html=0, target=none, encoding=none):         xmlparser.__init__(self, html, target, encoding)         self._parser.commenthandler = self.handle_comments      def handle_comments(self):         pass  tree = elementtree.parse(path, customxmlparser()) 

i have tried elementtree.xmltreebuilder works in python2.



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