Using jquery ui autocomplete + ajax json data -

i'm trying use

i've taken code , tried adapt it. orginal code works (i can towns), , when adapt data, doesn't (nothing listed, nothing appears). json data php file. here code:


function log( message ) {       $( "<div>" ).text( message ).prependto( "#log" );       $( "#log" ).scrolltop( 0 );     }      $( "#city" ).autocomplete({        source: function( request, response ) {             console.log(request.term);         $.ajax({             type: "post",           url: "/chercheabo",           datatype: "jsonp",           data: {             achercher: request.term           },           success: function( data ) {             response( $.map( data.mydata, function( item ) {               return {                 label: item.pseudo + (item.pseudo ? ", " + item.userid : "") + ", " + item.pseudo,                 value: item.pseudo               }             }));           }         });       },       minlength: 2,       select: function( event, ui ) {         log( ui.item ?           "selected: " + ui.item.label :           "nothing selected, input " + this.value);       },       open: function() {         $( ).removeclass( "ui-corner-all" ).addclass( "ui-corner-top" );       },       close: function() {         $( ).removeclass( "ui-corner-top" ).addclass( "ui-corner-all" );       }     }); 

my html:

<div class="ui-widget">   <label for="city">your city: </label>   <input id="city" />   powered <a href=""></a> </div>  <div class="ui-widget" style="margin-top: 2em; font-family: arial;">   result:   <div id="log" style="height: 200px; width: 300px; overflow: auto;" class="ui-widget-content"></div> </div> 

my json code return:


can see wrong in code?... thanks

update: adding php file comments in question

$options = array();  $result = mysqli_query($link,"select userid, pseudo utili pseudo '%".strtolower($_post[achercher])."%'");  while($uti = $result->fetch_object())  {      $options['mydata'][] = array( 'userid' => $uti->userid, 'pseudo' => $uti->pseudo );  }  echo json_encode($options); 

[edit]: change jsonp json works!


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