r - Recursive function that operates on its own preceding output -

i have price particular baseline year (in case 1993), , multiplication factor years. using these known multiplication factor, want compute (project) price years succeeding , preceding baseline year.

here input data:

year    city    multiplicationfactor    price_baselineyear 1990    new york          na            na 1991    new york          0.9           na 1992    new york          2.0           na 1993    new york          0.8           100 1994    new york          0.6           na 1995    new york          0.8           na 1996    new york          2.0           na 1990    boston             na           na 1991    boston             1.6          na 1992    boston             1.25         na 1993    boston             0.5          200 1994    boston             1.75         na 1995    boston             2.5          na 1996    boston             0.5          na 

the code construct input data:

mydata<-structure(list(year = c(1990l, 1991l, 1992l, 1993l, 1994l, 1995l,1996l, 1990l, 1991l, 1992l, 1993l, 1994l, 1995l, 1996l), city = structure(c(2l,2l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 1l, 1l, 1l, 1l, 1l, 1l, 1l), .label = c("boston","new york"), class = "factor"), multiplicationfactor = c(na,0.9, 2, 0.8, 0.6, 0.8, 2, na, 1.6, 1.25, 0.5, 1.75, 2.5, 0.5),`price(baselineyear)` = c(na, na, na, 100l, na, na, na, na,na, na, 200l, na, na, na)), .names = c("year", "city", "multiplicationfactor","price_baselineyear"), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(na, -14l)) 

the output desire (the last column, price_allyears):

year    city    multiplicationfactor    price_baselineyear  price_allyears 1990    new york    na                  na                  69.4 1991    new york    0.9                 na                  62.5 1992    new york    2.0                 na                  125.0 1993    new york    0.8                 100                 100.0 1994    new york    0.6                 na                  60.0 1995    new york    0.8                 na                  48.0 1996    new york    2.0                 na                  96.0 1990    boston      na                  na                  200.0 1991    boston      1.6                 na                  320.0 1992    boston      1.25                na                  400.0 1993    boston      0.5                 200                 200.0 1994    boston      1.75                na                  350.0 1995    boston      2.5                 na                  875.0 1996    boston      0.5                 na                  437.5 

here have far @alistaire:

mydata %>%   group_by(city) %>%   arrange(year) %>%   mutate(price_allyears = ifelse(year < year[which(!is.na(price_baselineyear))],                          lead(price_allyears) / lead(multiplicationfactor),                         ifelse(year > year[which(!is.na(price_baselineyear))],                                lag(price_allyears) * multiplicationfactor,                                price_baselineyear)))%>%   ungroup() %>%    arrange(city) 

this error get:

error: object 'price_allyears' not found

here method use if had use excel:

          b       c                       d                   e 1   year    city    multiplicationfactor    price_baselineyear  price_allyears 2   1990    new york    na                  na                  e3/c3 3   1991    new york    0.9                 na                  e4/c4 4   1992    new york    2.0                 na                  e5/c5 5   1993    new york    0.8                 100                 d5 6   1994    new york    0.6                 na                  e5*c6 7   1995    new york    0.8                 na                  e6*c7 8   1996    new york    2.0                 na                  e7*c8 9   1990    boston      na                  na                  e10/c10 10  1991    boston      1.6                 na                  e11/c11 11  1992    boston      1.25                na                  e12/c12 12  1993    boston      0.5                 200                 d12 13  1994    boston      1.75                na                  e12*c13 14  1995    boston      2.5                 na                  e13*c14 15  1996    boston      0.5                 na                  e14*c15 

fun inputs set of row numbers, subsets mydata rows , determines index of base value, ix.base. first check there 1 baseline price , if not return na; otherwise, calculate multipliers prior base, hd, , after base, tl. each of these can use cumprod avoid type of iterative calculation shown in spreadsheet formulas in question. multiply calculated multipliers base price. use ave apply each city. no packages used:

fun <- function(ix) with(mydata[ix, ], {   ix.base <- which(!is.na(price_baselineyear))   if (length(ix.base) != 1) return(na)   hd <- rev(cumprod(rev(1/head(multiplicationfactor, ix.base)[-1])))   tl <- cumprod(tail(multiplicationfactor, - ix.base))   price_baselineyear[ix.base] * c(hd, 1, tl) }) transform(mydata, price_allyears = ave(seq_along(year), city, fun = fun)) 


   year     city multiplicationfactor price_baselineyear price_allyears 1  1990 new york                   na                 na         69.444 2  1991 new york                 0.90                 na         62.500 3  1992 new york                 2.00                 na        125.000 4  1993 new york                 0.80                100        100.000 5  1994 new york                 0.60                 na         60.000 6  1995 new york                 0.80                 na         48.000 7  1996 new york                 2.00                 na         96.000 8  1990   boston                   na                 na        200.000 9  1991   boston                 1.60                 na        320.000 10 1992   boston                 1.25                 na        400.000 11 1993   boston                 0.50                200        200.000 12 1994   boston                 1.75                 na        350.000 13 1995   boston                 2.50                 na        875.000 14 1996   boston                 0.50                 na        437.500 


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