Print, loop, Indentation, Python -

i need pit of help. learning python, , have python 2.7.8 looking build simple program count vowels in word. here code:

count = 0 total = 0 v in "bonbon":   count += 1   if v == 'e' or v == 'o' or v == 'u' or v == 'a':     print('the number of vowel in word ' +str(total)) 

why print twice? 1- number of vowel 0 , number of 2

could me please? guys

it's printing twice because have print inside of loop. should instead increment total inside loop , print afterwards. if do:

count = 0 total = 0 v in "bonbon":   count += 1   if v == 'e' or v == 'o' or v == 'u' or v == 'a':     total += 1  print('the number of vowel in word ' + str(total)) 

it should work.


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