"no module named..." when running this python code -

i have no idea causes error, simplest get, yet gives me hint question not meet quality standards must post longer intro.

#=== # my_script.py import mymodule  #=== # mymodule\__init__.py import sys my_def import *  class mymodule:   def __init__(self):     pass  #=== # mymodule\my_def.py def my_def():   pass  traceback (most recent call last):   file "my_script.py", line 1, in <module>     import mymodule   file "d:\test\mymodule\__init__.py", line 2, in <module>     my_def import * importerror: no module named 'my_def' 

in __init__.py, add . before my_def. . means should looking file in same folder script itself, rather relative my_script.py.

from .my_def import * 


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