logging - Powershell command line logs - what is 'prompt' -

pulling command line logs powershell added variables

#$logcommandhealthevent = $true #$logcommandlifecycleevent = $true 

and works great 'prompt'??

time                 event command     ----                 ----- -------     5/27/2016 1:38:31 pm   501 prompt      5/27/2016 1:38:31 pm   500 prompt      5/27/2016 1:38:31 pm   501 get-process 5/27/2016 1:38:31 pm   500 get-process 5/27/2016 1:38:29 pm   501 prompt      5/27/2016 1:38:29 pm   500 prompt      5/27/2016 1:38:29 pm   501 ipconfig    

this appear in eventdata in logs - faa69d45087e pipelineid=608 commandname=prompt commandtype=function scriptname= commandpath= commandline=prompt

from about_prompts

     prompt function determines appearance of windows powershell      prompt. windows powershell comes built-in prompt function,     can override defining own prompt function.  ...  built-in prompt     windows powershell includes built-in prompt function.       in windows powershell 3.0, built-in prompt function is: 
    function prompt     {         "ps $($executioncontext.sessionstate.path.currentlocation)$('>' * ($nestedpromptlevel + 1)) "     } 

additional details:

  1. the prompt function called each time prompt displayed refresh details on prompt (such path.)


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