javascript - Reading JSON data with jquery. Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : -

i'm trying read json data using jquery. i'm trying read json url:
keep getting error: uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected token :
here jquery:

$(document).ready(function () {          var 1 = "1"          $.getjson('', function(result) {              document.write([0]);          });     }); 

i'm getting error @ first colon in json code.
understand, json data being read javascript. how can fix this.

reading api docs found need specify jsnop=1 parameter in order retrieve data via jsonp.

tthe correct code this:

    $(document).ready(function () {                  $.ajax({             url: '',             type: 'get',             datatype: 'jsonp',             jsonpcallback: 'colorsummary',             data:{                 url: '',                 precision: 'low',                 num_clusters: '3',                 jsonp: '1'             },             success: function(result){                 document.write(result.clusters['1'].rgb[0]);             }         });     });  

i structured request can change parameters easily.

ps: watch out json notation ( ['1'] in clusters , so)


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