javascript - Mustache.js within Django template not working -

i want render ajax response mustache.js reason, variables inside templates aren't displayed. modified mustache's delimiter still isn't working.


/*  * reservation preview snippet.  */  $(document).ready(function() {     mustache.tags = ['<%', '%>'];     var tablerows = $("#table-wrapper table tr");      // table row clicked {         e.preventdefault();          var $this = $(this);         var previewurl = $(this).find("#ajax_id").attr('data-id');          // preview , load template         $.getjson(previewurl, function(reservation) {             console.log("updated at: " + reservation.updated_at);             var template = $('#reservationpreviewtpl').html();             var html = mustache.render(template, reservation);             console.log('html' + html);             $('#test123').html(html);         });      }); 


<div id="test123"></div> <script id="reservationpreviewtpl" type="text/template"> <h1>i template</h1> <p><% reservation.updated_at %></p> </script> 

console output

enter image description here

turns out reservation.updated_at should updated_at


<div id="test123"></div> <script id="reservationpreviewtpl" type="text/template"> <h1>i template</h1> <p><% updated_at %></p> </script> 


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