ios - How to create customised nsdictionary from two nsarrays -

i have 2 arrays this

idarray:(     "548c2afe-5943-4929-9c6b-b544f5022115-sff45v-kjsa68f",     "656e8481-f2d5-4843-bebd-883f1b0f79d0-ksfns-gg456gg" )  namesarray:( "king", "queen" ) 

i want make dictionary looks this

[{ "id" : "548c2afe-5943-4929-9c6b-b544f5022115-sff45v-kjsa68f", "name" : "king" }, { "id" : "3656e8481-f2d5-4843-bebd-883f1b0f79d0-ksfns-gg456gg", "name" : "queen" }] 

help me in issue. have tried this

nsdictionary *fulldictionary = @{@"id": userarray, @"scandat": scandatesarray};                                  nserror *error;                                 nsdata *data = [nsjsonserialization datawithjsonobject:fulldictionary options:0 error:&error];                                 nslog(@"%@", fulldictionary); 

and output is

{     id =     (         "656e8481-f2d5-4843-bebd-883f1b0f79d0",         "548c2afe-5943-4929-9c6b-b544f5022115"     );     scandat =     (         "2016-05-28 16:50:30",         "2016-05-28 16:50:59"     ); } 

you not making dictionary - target object nsarray containing nsdictionary objects elements.

nsmutablearray *res = [nsmutablearray array]; nsarray *keys = @[@"id", @"name"]; (int = 0 ; != idarray.count ; i++) {     nsdictionary *dict = [nsdictionary         dictionarywithobjects: @[idarray[i], namearray[i]]         forkeys: keys     ];     [res addobject:dict]; } 


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