How can I diagnose and remedy strange download behavior from an Azure public blob? -

i host software product on azure, , store downloads in public container, website links via url. can see downloads page here:

normally somewhere in range of 200mb-500mb worth of downloads per day, downloaded files being 15-30mb. starting these week, i've seen spikes of 220gb per day storage container. hasn't harmed website in way transfer costing me money. i'm not seeing increase in website traffic accompany 220gb worth of downloads, appears either sort of dos attack or broken automated downloader.

is there way remedy situation? can set container detect , block malicious traffic? or should using different type of file hosting entirely, offers these sorts of protections?

to see what's going on storage account, best way use storage analytics see storage activity logs. these logs stored in special blob container called $logs. can download contents of blob using storage explorer supports exploring contents of it.

i highly recommend starting there , identify going on. based on findings, can take corrective actions. example, if traffic coming via bots, can put simple captcha on download page.


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