css - Tesseract theme menu -

i'm new forum hello all.

i'm working on wordpress website theme called tesseract. new wordpress have limited experience working it.

the problem i'm experience menu @ top of page. if visit www.avoinvents.co.uk , take you'll see categories don't sit on same line. if remove 1 of categories page looks nicer , neater. categories necessary not delete any.

could on here suggest how make necessary changes fix menu.


here's css changed in browser make menu appear in 1 line:

#masthead { padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; }  #site-banner-left { width: 100%; } 

the main problem site-banner-left css definition had width of 60%, causing text wrap around border, changed width 100% , added padding make navigation area little bigger. if messes other parts of theme, try making text size of site-banner-left definition smaller instead of changing width. hope helps.


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