android - Xamarin: Unsure what to cast using DriveFile.Open -

i tried lookup documentation xamarin still can't find class cast return statement code below

var pendingresult = , .., ..)  var obj = pendingresult.await(); 

on android documentation, class casting

drivecontents drivecontents = drivecontentsresult.getdrivecontents(); 

but can't find class called drivecontentsresult.

non-async way (using onresult callback), drivefile.modereadonly, null).setresultcallback(this); 

will call onresult , there can cast result:

void iresultcallback.onresult(java.lang.object result) {     var contentresults = (result).javacast<idriveapidrivecontentsresult>();     var drivecontent = contentresults.drivecontents;     d.writeline(drivecontent.driveid);  } 

async way:

var drivecontentresult = drivefile.openasync(_googleapiclient, drivefile.modereadonly, null).continuewith((resulttask) => {     var drivecontentresults = resulttask.result;     var drivecontent = drivecontentresults.drivecontents;     d.writeline(drivecontent.driveid); }); 


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