xcode - iOS App Contains Developer Path Information -

inspecting archived app, can see full path listed few source code files in app binary. not source code files listed.

strings - the_binary_app | grep "\.m"



as few others. can not determine how full paths few source code files embedded in app binary. remove them. ideas? build setting or project file corrupted?

some belong lib , others files belong project.

the __file__ macro expands full path current file. 1 way might getting paths executable. example, expansion of assert macro includes __file__ macro.

look @ output of strings | grep pipeline. each of files, go project in xcode , open file. go related files doodad , choose “preprocess”:

related files doodad

then search through preprocessor output file's path. find lots of false positives, because there lots of # line number/path directives. can ignore these, because produce debug output, not included in executable file (unless you've done weird build settings). might find faster save preprocessor output file, open file , pipe through grep or use regexp search/replace delete lines starting #.

find other instances path appears string constant. example, if used assert macro, find this:

(__builtin_expect(!(argc > 0), 0) ? __assert_rtn(__func__, "/volumes/b/users/mayoff/testprojects/textviewchanged/textviewchanged/main.m", 16, "argc > 0") : (void)0); 

that's case path end embedded in executable.

if doesn't find places you're embedding path, try selecting “assembly” related files doodad. assembly full of comments containing path; after @ comment in assembly output, ignore those.

you see paths in .file directives. believe these produce debug symbol output, doesn't go executable, can ignore too.

you see paths in .asciz directives shortly after .section dwarf,... directives. more debug symbol stuff can ignore.

look remaining cases path appears in assembly output. need figure out how eliminate these cases. how depend on context in paths appear, if need more help, update question find.


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