rust - How do I hold a collection of one struct in another where lifetimes are not predictable? -

i want manage collection of objects in object can't predict lifetime of elements in collection.

i found example in syntax of rust lifetime specifier demonstrates can't do:

struct user<'a> {     name: &'a str, }  // ... impls omitted  struct chatroom<'a> {     name: &'a str,     users: hashmap<&'a str, user<'a>>, } 

chatroom holds map of users. each user copy although name within user shared reference. user , chatroom have explicit lifetime when joined compiler enforces users must live longer chatroom they're going into.

but if user created after chatroom? can't use lifetimes because compiler complain. if delete user before chatroom? can't either.

how can chatroom hold users might created after or destroyed before it? vaguely suspect done boxes implement rust's box documentation quite poor not certain.

in rust, types come in pairs: borrowed , owned counterpart. strings, borrowed version &'a str , owned version string. owned versions don't have lifetime parameter, because own data. doesn't mean don't contain pointers internally; string stores data on heap, , actual string object contains pointer data.

by using string instead of &'a str, can avoid issues order of construction, because can move owned data around freely (so long isn't borrowed elsewhere). example, when create user, first need create string, move new user, , move user chatroom's hashmap.

struct user {     name: string, }  struct chatroom {     name: string,     users: hashmap<string, user>, } 

however, since need shared references, need wrap string in type provides functionality. if writing single-threaded program, may use rc this. if need access these references multiple threads, rc won't work; need arc instead.

struct user {     name: rc<string>, }  struct chatroom {     name: string,     users: hashmap<string, user>, } 

in order create new rc<string> points same string, call clone() method on first rc<string>.

now, string in rc<string> immutable, because rc doesn't provide way mutate value (without consuming rc). if need capability, need pair refcell (or either mutex or rwlock in multi-threaded program).

struct user {     name: rc<refcell<string>>, }  struct chatroom {     name: string,     users: hashmap<string, user>, } 


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