rstudio - Unable to access bucket storage files from R Studio -

i have installed r-studio on google cloud platform compute instance. default working directory on r-studio is:


then mounted cloud storage bucket on compute instance. mounted image path is:


but when try read files located in directory on r studio using:


i following error

error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open connection in addition: warning message: in file(file, "rt") :   cannot open file '/mnt/gcs-bucket/trains.csv': permission denied 

how can give permissions on files accessible r-studio. have tried:

chmod 777 /mnt/gcs-bucket/trains.csv 

but still same error.

reading file on r works fine. in r-studio unable change working directory:

setwd("/mnt/gcs-bucket") error in setwd("/mnt/gcs-bucket") : cannot change working directory 


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