json - PHP - Escaping doesn't work for me? -

i've been trying json in string, have escape double quotes.. here's line {\"assetid":".$assetid.", "floatvalue\":".$floatvalue.\"},

$data = [     'assetid'       => $assetid,     'floatvalue'    => $floatvalue, ];  $result = json_encode( $data ); 


foreach($floatdone['result']['items'] $data) {     $assetid = $data['id'];     $floatvalue = $data['attributes']['2']['float_value'];      $swag[] = //your mistake, guess, use $swag[] instead of $swag     [         'assetid'       => $assetid,         'floatvalue'    => $floatvalue,     ]; }  var_dump( json_encode($swag) ); 


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