javascript - next("some class") doesn't work -


<div class="linksrtitle">lorem ipsum</div> <div class="linksrspace"></div> <div class="linksrwrap">  // div should slided <a class="linkr" href="volim-da-stoje.php">lorem ipsum</a> <a class="linkr" href="ova-salate-je-umrla.php">lorem ipsum</a> <a class="linkr" href="nova-rasa.php">lorem ipsum</a> </div> <div class="linksrspace"></div> 


$(".linksrtitle").click(function(){    $(this).next(".linksrwrap").slidetoggle();  // doesn't work }); 

why click event doesn't work. console empty.

use nextall()(with first(), if multiple sibling same class there) that. next() select immediate following sibling.

$(".linksrtitle").click(function() {    $(this).nextall(".linksrwrap").slidetoggle();  });
<script src=""></script>  <div class="linksrtitle">lorem ipsum</div>  <div class="linksrspace"></div>  <div class="linksrwrap">// div should slided    <a class="linkr" href="volim-da-stoje.php">lorem ipsum</a>    <a class="linkr" href="ova-salate-je-umrla.php">lorem ipsum</a>    <a class="linkr" href="nova-rasa.php">lorem ipsum</a>  </div>  <div class="linksrspace"></div>


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