ember.js - How to highlight code in hbs template? -

i want introduce project code highlighted on pages (like index.hbs) i've searched libraries can , found tools highlight.js, unable use in ember project. can explain how import custom library highlight.js or can give me recomandation tool. i've tried use tool: ember-cli-eg-code-highlight, not specified how use it. ok have installed it, pasted {{highlight-js code=file lang=language haslinenumbers=haslinenumbers}} in index.hbs, not work. env.emberhighlightjs: { style: 'arta' };i have no ideea put it. tried put inember-cli-build.js not working.

i have found markdown-code-highlighting. lost @ step: "in brocfile you'll need import css styling want highlighter. " brocfile in ember project?

did restart ember server ?

you can find example of using ember-cli-eg-code-highlight here: https://github.com/embergrep/ember-cli-eg-code-highlight/blob/master/tests/dummy/app/templates/application.hbs

but looks addon buggy. worth check pr https://github.com/embergrep/ember-cli-eg-code-highlight/pull/9

p.s. brocfile -- names ember-cli-build.js @ root of project


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