django - Calculated value (aggregation) displays in technical format -

after calculating field in model want display field in template


  def _get_total(self):             inventory.models import inventory             purchase.models import poproduct             sales.models import soproduct         #    "returns total"              return inventory.objects.filter( ).aggregate(sum('quantity'))               #- soproduct.objects.filter('quantity'))      #poproduct.objects.filter('quantity'))      total = property(_get_total) 


<div> <b>total on hand:</b> {{ }}</div> 

however template displayed value in format instead of plain numeric value

total on hand: {'quantity__sum': decimal('97.00000')}

i trying add parameter , output_field = models.decimalfield() sum function getting error not understand

'decimalfield' object has no attribute 'resolve_expression


you returning result set method dict, try returning decimal value:

quantity = inventory.objects.filter( ).aggregate(sum('quantity')) return quantity['quantity__sum'] 


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