javascript - Bootstrap Popover: It disappears instead of staying active -

i'm dealing bootstrap popovers , i'm getting stuck. when click button, popover shows , disappears again. doesn't stay visible.

besides, when click button , popover shows, image placed in web blinks, strange. have been trying different popover configurations it's weird , don't work.

btw, i'm using ruby on rails , bootstrap/jquery gem.

here code:

<div class="span9">     <table class="table">     <thead>        <tr>            <th>#</th>            <th>domain</th>            <th>api key</th>            <th>api secret</th>        </tr>     </thead>     <tbody>        <tr>            <td>1</td>            <td></td>            <td>29383947382</td>            <td><a href="#" class="btn btn-small btn-warning" id="api_secret" rel="popover" data-content="b23v2v3l3pdns9282b3v2g3b2" data-original-title="your api secret:">show</a></td>        </tr>     </tbody>     </table> </div> 

and these javascript lines @ bottom of file:

<script type="text/javascript">  $(document).ready(function() {  // popovers $('#api_secret').popover({     animation: false });  // tabs $('#mytab a').click(function (e) {     e.preventdefault();     $(this).tab('show'); });  });  </script> 


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