Start Selenium Server with Firefox Portable -

i want use selenium server on windows 7 firefoxportable browser, starting selenium-server-standalon jar file. first attempt without profile, this:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.33.0.jar       -htmlsuite "*firefox c:\users\rplantik\portables\selenium\firefoxportable\firefoxportable.exe"        ""           "c:\users\rplantik\portables\selenium\rest\testsuite.html"        "testresults.html" 

the jetty server started, crushed after having issued info message preparing firefox profile...

i found out there portable app, called firefoxportable2ndprofile, allows start firefoxportable built-in profile. therefore downloaded application, too, , modified command follows, include path different profile:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.33.0.jar       -firefoxprofiletemplate c:\users\rplantik\portables\selenium\firefoxportable2ndprofile\data\profile       -htmlsuite "*firefox c:\users\rplantik\portables\selenium\firefoxportable\firefoxportable.exe"        ""           "c:\users\rplantik\portables\selenium\rest\testsuite.html"        "testresults.html" 

now seems profile created (preparing firefox profile... seems executed intended - short moment, "firefox" logo pops up), message launching firefox... appears, , indeed firefox application started.

but after that, test suite not executed. instead, browser stays on default site, , there no further action until stop process in console.

how use selenium firefox portable?

point profile folder of portable installation: (c:\selenium\firefox_portable-14.0.1\data) ie. c:\selenium\server>java -jar selenium-server.jar -firefoxprofiletemplate "c:\selenium\firefox_portable-14.0.1\data"

additional info here:

note: had close firefox windows before running tests. otherwise latest version of firefox launched.


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