RFID reading using python via usb SyntaxError: invalid token -

i have 2 rfid card values 0004518403 , 000452738 after reading value in python terminal. want give them name 0004518403 "javed" , 000452738 "aquib". when next time when use card must not show me value must show me name i've defined them.

import serial import time serial = serial.serial('/dev/ttyusb0', baudrate = 9600) while true: if serial.inwaiting() > 0:     read_result =serial.read(15)     print("sleeping 2 seconds")      if(read_result==0004520738):         print "aquib"     elif(read_result==0004518403):         print "javed"      time.sleep(2)     serial.flushinput() # ignore errors, no data 

i trying code show me error :

syntaxerror: invalid token 

in first if condition. not getting problem.

you should compare read results strings, not numbers,


0004520738 without quotes number. starts 0 sign, interpreted number of base 8. numbers of base 8 cannot contain digits 8 , 9 apparently.

>>> 01234567 342391 >>> 012345678   file "<stdin>", line 1     012345678             ^ syntaxerror: invalid token >>>  

also don't why read 15 bytes, compare results 10 bytes string, that's smth wrong there


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