ms access - Force user login after x min of inactivity -

i have application has 1 login form, 1 main dashboard form, 7/8 sub dashboard forms , many other non-main/dashboard forms.

i implement sort of system, whereby if user has been inactive x minutes, asked login again.

is there way have global function run continuously check every 60 seconds if login required? obvious way using on timer event. many forms have add call each form etc.

is there easier way?

i don't think there easy way this.

first off, have define "user has been inactive x minutes" means. there options:

  1. the access application not focused window x minutes. (drawback: user idling access application on front, never triggering focus loss)
  2. a form not focused x minutes. (drawback: you'd have implement check routine each , every form in application, logging gotfocus and/or lostfocus events verify @ least x minutes form focused. but: user legitimately working x minutes same form never needing change focus nevertheless trigger logout.)
  3. no user interaction occurred (that is, events triggered button clicks , on) x minutes. (drawback: each event handle have add additional code reset x-minutes-timer. you'll need introduce new event handlers naviagtion (see #2, focus loss) don't log off users being active navigating forms.)
  4. ... other methods won't work better either.

there no way without having cope host of new problems.

the better solution set default idle time in backend database, assuming active database server , not access database (or same database forms in).

in latter case don't have dedicated database server challenge rethink why want timeout of login in first place. or, rephrase:

what login in access-only database?

security? there no way can prevent user accessing data in database, independent of them having login or not. remember: access database file on filesystem. user using database has, in fact, access in file. there no such thing user-level security in access (not anymore @ least; , that's best).

you can encrypt whole database (file --> info), can specify 1 password per database, not per user. again: user-level security cannot done in access.

see answer more on security of access databases:


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