laravel 5.2 - FatalErrorException in RouteServiceProvider.php -

i'm using laravel 5.2 , caffeinated modules , when try go somewhere error.

fatalerrorexception in routeserviceprovider.php line 42: modules\users\providers\routeserviceprovider::modules\users\providers{closure}(): failed opening required 'modules/users/http/routes.php' (include_path='.;c:\php\pear')

this routes.php in users module

route::group(['middleware' => 'web'], function() {     route::get('admin/', [         'uses' => 'userscontroller@admin',         'as' => 'login'     ]); }); 

i'm not sure other code need give solve this.

i had same problem , fixed it. replace '\' in path '/'.


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