java - Tomcat Data Source Losing Connection With DB -

i need solution tomcat datasource configuration. have 2 nginx front of tomcats.these feeding app, these webservice. tomcat machines , database in different ip blog going firewall in each request. when started tomcats everythigs well.but example after 10 hour our after 20 hour later everythings going bad.that tomcats can not set connection.all service down.i share datasource file , hope find solution or other suggestions other datasource file. ----">

    <property name="connectionproperties">         <props merge="default">             <prop key="v$session.program">ws_${server}</prop>         </props>     </property>      <property name="connectioncacheproperties">         <props merge="default">             <prop key="minlimit">1</prop>             <prop key="maxlimit">120</prop>             <prop key="initiallimit">5</prop>             <prop key="maxstatementslimit">50</prop>                             <prop key="connectionwaittimeout">30</prop>             <prop key="inactivitytimeout">600</prop>             <prop key="abandonedconnectiontimeout">180</prop>             <prop key="propertycheckinterval">300</prop>                             <prop key="validateconnection">true</prop>               <prop key="timetolivetimeout">600</prop>          </props>     </property> </bean>   <bean id="jdbctemplate" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.jdbctemplate">     <property name="nativejdbcextractor">         <bean class="" />     </property>     <property name="datasource" ref="datasource" /> </bean>  <bean class="">     <property name="bean" ref="datasource" />     <property name="jndiname" value="dsname" /> </bean> 


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