Java Dependency issue, not working for hibernate -

hello trying follow tutorial ::

my code in caseyou want have dig here:

im using restx framework.

i trying use hibernate access local database. when try compile code dependency error:

src/main/java/centaurus/service/ error: package org.hibernate not exist import org.hibernate.hibernateexception; 

but have included in pom dont understand why getting error.

this class there error points package centaurus.service;

import centaurus.entity.gameuser;  import restx.factory.component;  import org.hibernate.hibernateexception; import org.hibernate.session; import org.hibernate.transaction; import org.hibernate.cfg.annotationconfiguration; import org.hibernate.sessionfactory;  @component public class userdao {     private static sessionfactory factory;      public static void main(string[] args) {         try{             factory = new annotationconfiguration().                     configure().                     //addpackage("") //add package if used.                     addannotatedclass(gameuser.class).                     buildsessionfactory();         }catch (throwable ex) {             system.err.println("failed create sessionfactory object." + ex);             throw new exceptionininitializererror(ex);         }         userdao me = new userdao();     }      /* method create employee in database */     public integer addemployee(string email){         session session = factory.opensession();         transaction tx = null;         integer employeeid = null;         try{             tx = session.begintransaction();             gameuser employee = new gameuser();             employee.setemail(email);             employeeid = (integer);             tx.commit();         }catch (hibernateexception e) {             if (tx!=null) tx.rollback();             e.printstacktrace();         }finally {             session.close();         }         return employeeid;     }      public void saveid() {         addemployee("bob");     } } 

new hibernate, , not experienced maven. please or let me know how me. in advance

as using restx, not read pom, reads md.restx.json file missing dependencies dependancies


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