c# - Get pointer value via reflection -

i have instance of type object, know pointer (can verified myobject.gettype().ispointer). possible obtain pointer's value via reflection?

code far:

object obj = .... ; // type , value unknown @ compile time type t = obj.gettype();  if (t.ispointer) {     void* ptr = pointer.unbox(obj);      // can obtain (the object's) bytes with:     byte[] buffer = new byte[marshal.sizeof(t)];     marshal.copy((intptr)ptr, buffer, 0, buffer.length);      // how can value represented byte array 'buffer'?     // or how can value of *ptr?     // following line doesn't work:     object val = (object)*ptr; // error cs0242 (obviously) } 

addendum №1: object in question value type -not reference type-, cannot use gchandle::fromintptr(intptr) followed gchandle::target obtain object's value...

i suppose need ptrtostructure. this:

if (t.ispointer) {     var ptr = pointer.unbox(obj);      // following line edited op ;)     var underlyingtype = t.getelementtype();     var value = marshal.ptrtostructure((intptr)ptr, underlyingtype);  } 


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