angularjs - How to access helpers in controller and why is my find() empty? -

i'm pretty new new meteor 1.3.1. i've never worked helpers before.

this helper:

this.helpers({     questions() {         return questions.find({categoryid: this.categoryid});     } }); 

first question: how access helper (questions) within it's own controller? tried $scope.questions, this.questions , (play alias of controller). undefined. in view iterate ng-repeat='question in play.questions' , works fine.

then thought maybe helpers can't accessed in controller. tried this: this.questions = questions.find({categoryid: this.categoryid});

but here problem empty cursor. idea why is?

i assume in controller function , have used



this.questions = questions.find({category: this.categoryid});  

? 1 reason cursor empty when not using helper might subscription not ready time set this.questions. therefore should make assignment reactive wrapping inside this.autorun. doing cursor gets updated client side collection populated.

i think instead of calling helper within controller should extract common function , use inside helper , whereever else need it. helpers used data ui if not mistaken (<- ?).


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